/** * A list * <pre><strong>options:</strong> { * element : «Element | ID», * name : «String», * url : «String», * source : «hui.ui.Source», * selectable : «<strong>true</strong> | false», * dropFiles : «true | <strong>false</strong>», * indent : «Integer» * } * * <strong>Events:</strong> * $open(row) - When a row is double clicked (rename to open) * $select(firstRow) - When a row is (un)selected/(un)checked * $clickButton({row:row,button:button}) - When a button is clicked * $clickIcon({row:row,data:data,node:node}) - When an icon is clicked * * <strong>Bindings:</strong> * <del>window</del> * window.page * sort.direction * sort.key * </pre> * * @constructor * @param {Object} options The options : {url:null,source:null,selectable:«boolean»} */ hui.ui.List = function(options) { this.options = hui.override({url:null,source:null,selectable:true,indent:null,selectMany:false,rememberSelection:false},options); this.element = hui.get(options.element); this.name = options.name; if (this.options.source) { this.options.source.listen(this); } this.url = options.url; this.table = hui.get.firstByTag(this.element,'table'); this.head = hui.get.firstByTag(this.element,'thead'); this.body = hui.get.firstByTag(this.element,'tbody'); this.columns = []; this.rows = []; this.selected = []; this.checked = []; this.navigation = hui.get.firstByClass(this.element,'hui_list_navigation'); this.count = hui.get.firstByClass(this.navigation,'hui_list_count'); this.windowPage = hui.get.firstByClass(this.navigation,'window_page'); this.windowPageBody = hui.get.firstByClass(this.navigation,'window_page_body'); this.parameters = {}; this.sortKey = null; this.sortDirection = null; this.window = {size:null,page:0,total:0}; if (options.windowSize) { this.window.size = options.windowSize; } hui.ui.extend(this); if (options.dropFiles) { this._addDrop(); } this._attach(); if (this.url) { this.refresh(); } }; /** * Creates a new list widget * <pre><strong>options:</strong> { * maxHeight : «Integer», * * name : «String», * url : «String», * source : «hui.ui.Source», * selectable : «<strong>true</strong> | false», * dropFiles : «true | <strong>false</strong>», * indent : «Integer» * } * @param {Object} options The options */ hui.ui.List.create = function(options) { options = options || {}; var cls = 'hui_list'; if (options.variant) { cls+=' hui_list_'+options.variant; } options.element = hui.build('div',{ 'class' : cls, html: '<div class="hui_list_spinner"></div><div class="hui_list_navigation"><div class="hui_list_selection window_page"><div><div class="window_page_body"></div></div></div><span class="hui_list_count"></span></div><div class="hui_list_body"'+(options.maxHeight>0 ? ' style="max-height: '+options.maxHeight+'px; overflow: auto;"' : '')+'><table class="hui_list_table"><thead><tr></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table></div>'}); return new hui.ui.List(options); }; hui.ui.List.prototype = { _attach : function() { hui.on(this.element,'click', this._onClick.bind(this)); hui.on(this.element,'dblclick', this._onDblClick.bind(this)); }, _onClick : function(e) { if (this.busy) {return;} e = hui.event(e); var a = e.findByClass('hui_is_action'); if (a) { var data = a.getAttribute('data'); if (data) { data = hui.string.fromJSON(data); } var tr = hui.closest('tr',a); var row = null; if (tr) { var i = parseInt(tr.getAttribute('data-index'), 10); row = this.rows[i]; } this.fire('clickIcon', {row: row, data: data, node: a}); } }, _onDblClick : function(e) { if (this.busy) {return;} e = hui.event(e); if (e.closest('.hui_list_row') && !e.closest('.hui_is_action')) { var row = this.getFirstSelection(); if (row) { this.fire('open',row); } } hui.selection.clear(); }, _addDrop : function() { hui.drag.listen({ element : this.element, hoverClass : 'hui_list_drop', $dropFiles : function(files) { this.fire('filesDropped',files); }.bind(this), $dropURL : function(url) { this.fire('urlDropped',url); }.bind(this) }); }, /** Hides the list */ hide : function() { this.element.style.display='none'; }, /** Shows the list */ show : function() { this.element.style.display='block'; this.refresh(); }, /** @private */ registerColumn : function(column) { this.columns.push(column); }, /** Gets an array of selections * @returns {Array} The selected rows */ getSelection : function() { if (this.selected.length>0) { return this._getRowsByIndexes(this.selected); } return this._getRowsByIndexes(this.checked); }, /** Gets the first selection or null * @returns {Object} The first selected row */ getFirstSelection : function() { var items = this.getSelection(); if (items.length>0) { return items[0]; } return null; }, getSelectionSize : function() { return this.selected.length+this.checked.length; }, getSelectionIds : function() { var selection = this.getSelection(), ids = []; for (var i=0; i < selection.length; i++) { ids.push(selection[i].id); } return ids; }, _getRowsByIndexes : function(indexes) { var items = []; for (var i=0; i < indexes.length; i++) { items.push(this.rows[indexes[i]]); } return items; }, /** Gets all rows of the list * @returns {Array} The all rows */ getRows : function() { return this.rows; }, /** Add a parameter * @param {String} key The key * @param {String} value The value */ setParameter : function(key,value) { this.parameters[key]=value; }, /** @private */ loadData : function(url) { this.setUrl(url); }, /** * Sets the lists data source and refreshes it if it is new * @param {hui.ui.Source} source The source */ setSource : function(source) { if (this.options.source!=source) { if (this.options.source) { this.options.source.unListen(this); } source.listen(this); this.options.source = source; source.refresh(); } }, /** * Set an url to load data from, and load the data * @param {String} url The url */ setUrl : function(url) { if (this.options.source) { this.options.source.unListen(this); this.options.source=null; } this.url = url; this.selected = []; this.checked = []; this.sortKey = null; this.sortDirection = null; this.resetState(); this.refresh(); }, /** Clears the data of the list and removes its data source */ clear : function() { this._empty(); if (this.options.source) { this.options.source.unListen(this); } this.options.source = null; this.url = null; }, clearSelection : function() { this._changeSelection([]); }, _empty : function() { this.selected = []; this.checked = []; this.columns = []; this.rows = []; this.navigation.style.display='none'; hui.dom.clear(this.body); hui.dom.clear(this.head); }, /** Resets the window state of the navigator */ resetState : function() { this.window = {size:null,page:0,total:0}; hui.ui.firePropertyChange(this,'window',this.window); hui.ui.firePropertyChange(this,'window.page',this.window.page); }, /** @private */ valueForProperty : function(p) { if (p=='window.page') return this.window.page; else if (p=='sort.key') return this.sortKey; else if (p=='sort.direction') return (this.sortDirection || 'ascending'); else if (p=='selection.id') { var s = this.getFirstSelection(); if (s) { return s.id; } return null; } else return this[p]; }, /** @private */ $sourceShouldRefresh : function() { return hui.dom.isVisible(this.element); }, /** @private */ $visibilityChanged : function() { if (this.options.source && hui.dom.isVisible(this.element)) { // If there is a source, make sure it is initially this.options.source.refreshFirst(); } }, /** @private */ refresh : function() { if (this.options.source) { this.options.source.refreshLater(); return; } if (!this.url) return; var url = this.url; if (typeof(this.window.page)=='number') { url+=url.indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&'; url+='windowPage='+this.window.page; } if (this.window.size) { url+=url.indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&'; url+='windowSize='+this.window.size; } if (this.sortKey) { url+=url.indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&'; url+='sort='+this.sortKey; } if (this.sortDirection) { url+=url.indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&'; url+='direction='+this.sortDirection; } for (var key in this.parameters) { url+=url.indexOf('?')==-1 ? '?' : '&'; url+=key+'='+this.parameters[key]; } this._setBusy(true); hui.ui.request({ url:url, $object : function(obj) {this._setBusy(false);this.$objectsLoaded(obj);}.bind(this), $xml : function(obj) {this._setBusy(false);this.$listLoaded(obj);}.bind(this) }); }, /** @private */ sort : function(index) { var key = this.columns[index].key; if (key==this.sortKey) { this.sortDirection = this.sortDirection=='ascending' ? 'descending' : 'ascending'; hui.ui.firePropertyChange(this,'sort.direction',this.sortDirection); } else { hui.ui.firePropertyChange(this,'sort.key',key); } this.sortKey = key; }, _clickHeader : function(e) { e = hui.event(e); var th = e.findByTag('th'); this.sort(th.huiIndex); }, /** @private */ $listLoaded : function(doc) { this._setError(false); var hadSelection = this.selected.length>0 || this.checked.length>0; var previousSelection; if (this.options.rememberSelection) { previousSelection = this.getSelectionIds(); } this.selected = []; this.checked = []; this._parseWindow(doc); this._buildNavigation(); hui.dom.clear(this.head); hui.dom.clear(this.body); this.rows = []; this.columns = []; this.checkboxMode = doc.documentElement.getAttribute('checkboxes')==='true'; var movable = doc.documentElement.getAttribute('ordering')==='true'; var headTr = document.createElement('tr'); var sort = doc.getElementsByTagName('sort'); this.sortKey=null; this.sortDirection=null; if (sort.length>0) { this.sortKey = sort[0].getAttribute('key'); this.sortDirection = sort[0].getAttribute('direction'); } if (this.checkboxMode) { var checkTh = hui.build('th',{className:'list_check',parent:headTr}); hui.build('a',{className:'list_check_all',parent:checkTh}); hui.listen(checkTh,'click',this._checkAll.bind(this)); } if (movable) { hui.build('th',{'class':'hui_list_order_header',parent:headTr}); } var headers = doc.getElementsByTagName('header'); var i; for (i=0; i < headers.length; i++) { var className = ''; var th = document.createElement('th'); var width = headers[i].getAttribute('width'); var key = headers[i].getAttribute('key'); var sortable = headers[i].getAttribute('sortable')=='true'; if (width && width !== '') { th.style.width = width+'%'; } if (headers[i].getAttribute('align')) { th.style.textAlign=headers[i].getAttribute('align'); } if (sortable) { var self = this; th.huiIndex = i; hui.on(th, 'click', this._clickHeader, this); className+='sortable'; } if (this.sortKey && key==this.sortKey) { className+=' sort_'+this.sortDirection; } th.className=className; var span = document.createElement('span'); th.appendChild(span); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(headers[i].getAttribute('title') || '')); headTr.appendChild(th); this.columns.push({'key':key,'sortable':sortable,'width':width}); } this.head.appendChild(headTr); var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); var rows = doc.getElementsByTagName('row'); for (i=0; i < rows.length; i++) { var cells = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('cell'); var row = document.createElement('tr'); row.className = 'hui_list_row'; row.setAttribute('data-index',i); var td; if (this.checkboxMode) { td = hui.build('td',{parent:row,className:'hui_list_checkbox'}); hui.build('a',{className:'hui_list_checkbox',parent:td}); } if (movable) { td = hui.build('td',{parent:row,className:'hui_list_order'}); hui.build('a',{className:'hui_list_order_handler',parent:td}); } var icon = rows[i].getAttribute('icon'); var title = rows[i].getAttribute('title'); var level = rows[i].getAttribute('level'); for (var j=0; j < cells.length; j++) { td = document.createElement('td'); if (cells[j].getAttribute('wrap')=='false') { td.style.whiteSpace='nowrap'; } if (cells[j].getAttribute('vertical-align')) { td.style.verticalAlign=cells[j].getAttribute('vertical-align'); } if (cells[j].getAttribute('width')) { td.style.width=cells[j].getAttribute('width')+'%'; } if (cells[j].getAttribute('align')) { td.style.textAlign=cells[j].getAttribute('align'); } if (cells[j].getAttribute('class')) { hui.cls.add(td,cells[j].getAttribute('class')); } if (cells[j].getAttribute('dimmed')=='true') { td.className='hui_list_dimmed'; } if (j===0 && level > 1) { td.style.paddingLeft = ((parseInt(level)-1)*16+5)+'px'; } else if (j===0 && this.options.indent) { td.style.paddingLeft = this.options.indent + 'px'; } this._parseCell(cells[j],td); row.appendChild(td); if (!title) { title = hui.dom.getText(cells[j]); } if (!icon) { icon = cells[j].getAttribute('icon'); } } var info = {id:rows[i].getAttribute('id'),kind:rows[i].getAttribute('kind'),icon:icon,title:title,index:i,data:this._getData(rows[i])}; row.dragDropInfo = info; this._addRowBehavior(row,i); frag.appendChild(row); this.rows.push(info); } this.body.appendChild(frag); this._setEmpty(rows.length===0); if (this.options.rememberSelection) { this._applyPreviousSelection(previousSelection); } else { this.fire('selectionReset'); if (hadSelection) { this.fire('select',null); } } this.fireSizeChange(); }, _applyPreviousSelection : function(previousSelection) { var s = []; for (var i=0; i < previousSelection.length; i++) { for (var j=0; j < this.rows.length; j++) { if (this.rows[j].id === previousSelection[i]) { s.push(j); } } } this._changeSelection(s); }, _parseCell : function(node,cell) { var variant = node.getAttribute('variant'); if (variant) { cell = hui.build('div',{parent:cell,className : 'hui_list_cell_'+variant}); } var iconName = node.getAttribute('icon'); if (iconName) { cell.appendChild(hui.ui.createIcon(iconName, 16)); cell = hui.build('div',{parent:cell,style:'margin-left: 21px; padding-top: 1px;'}); } for (var i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = node.childNodes[i]; if (hui.dom.isDefinedText(child)) { hui.dom.addText(cell,child.nodeValue); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'break')) { cell.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'icon')) { var size = child.getAttribute('size') || 16; var icon = hui.ui.createIcon(child.getAttribute('icon'),size); hui.cls.add(icon, 'hui_list_icon') if (child.getAttribute('hint')) { icon.setAttribute('title',child.getAttribute('hint')); } if (child.getAttribute('action')=='true') { hui.cls.add(icon,'hui_is_action'); } var data = child.getAttribute('data'); if (data) { icon.setAttribute('data',data); } if (child.getAttribute('revealing')==='true') { hui.cls.add(icon,'hui_list_revealing'); } cell.appendChild(icon); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'symbol')) { var symbol = hui.build('span',{'class':'hui_symbol hui_list_symbol hui_symbol-'+child.getAttribute('name'), parent: cell}); if (child.getAttribute('action')=='true') { hui.cls.add(symbol,'hui_is_action'); } } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'line')) { var line = hui.build('p',{'class':'hui_list_line'}); if (child.getAttribute('dimmed')=='true') { hui.cls.add(line,'hui_list_dimmed'); } if (child.getAttribute('minor')=='true') { hui.cls.add(line,'hui_list_minor'); } if (child.getAttribute('mini')=='true') { hui.cls.add(line,'hui_list_mini'); } if (child.getAttribute('class')) { hui.cls.add(line,child.getAttribute('class')); } if (child.getAttribute('top')) { line.style.paddingTop=child.getAttribute('top')+'px'; } cell.appendChild(line); this._parseCell(child,line); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'object')) { var obj = hui.build('div',{'class':'hui_list_object'}); if (child.getAttribute('icon')) { obj.appendChild(hui.ui.createIcon(child.getAttribute('icon'),16)); } if (child.firstChild && child.firstChild.nodeType===3 && child.firstChild.nodeValue.length>0) { hui.dom.addText(obj,child.firstChild.nodeValue); } cell.appendChild(obj); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'icons')) { var icons = hui.build('span',{'class':'hui_list_icons'}); if (child.getAttribute('left')) { icons.style.marginLeft=child.getAttribute('left')+'px'; } this._parseCell(child,icons); cell.appendChild(icons); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'button')) { var button = hui.ui.Button.create({text:child.getAttribute('text'),small:true,rounded:true,data:this._getData(child)}); button.click(this._buttonClick.bind(this)); cell.appendChild(button.getElement()); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'wrap')) { if (hui.browser.wordbreak) { hui.cls.add(cell,'hui_list_wrap'); hui.dom.addText(cell,hui.dom.getText(child)); } else { hui.dom.addText(cell,this._wrap(hui.dom.getText(child))); } } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'delete')) { this._parseCell(child,hui.build('del',{parent:cell})); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'strong')) { this._parseCell(child,hui.build('strong',{parent:cell})); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'badge')) { this._parseCell(child,hui.build('span',{className:'hui_list_badge',parent:cell})); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'progress')) { var progress = hui.build('span',{className:'hui_list_progress',parent:cell}); var percent = Math.round(parseFloat(child.getAttribute('value'))*100); hui.build('span',{style:{width:percent+'%'},parent:progress}); this._parseCell(child,progress); } else if (hui.dom.isElement(child,'html')) { for (var j = 0; j < child.childNodes.length; j++) { var clone = child.childNodes[j].cloneNode(true); clone.namespaceURI = child.namespaceURI; cell.appendChild(clone); } } } }, /** @private */ $objectsLoaded : function(data) { var hadSelection = this.selected.length>0 || this.checked.length>0; this._setError(false); if (data === null || data === undefined) { // NOOP } else if (data.constructor == Array) { this.setObjects(data); } else { this.setData(data); } this.fire('selectionReset'); if (hadSelection) { this.fire('select'); } this.fireSizeChange(); }, /** @private */ $sourceIsBusy : function() { this._setBusy(true); }, /** @private */ $sourceIsNotBusy : function() { this._setBusy(false); }, /** @private */ $sourceFailed : function() { hui.log('The source failed!'); this._setError(true); }, _setError : function(error) { hui.cls.set(this.element,'hui_list_error',error); }, _setBusy : function(busy) { this.busy = busy; window.clearTimeout(this.busytimer); if (busy) { var e = this.element; this.busytimer = window.setTimeout(function() { hui.cls.add(e,'hui_list_busy'); if (e.parentNode.className=='hui_overflow') { hui.cls.add(e,'hui_list_busy_large'); } },300); } else { hui.cls.remove(this.element,'hui_list_busy'); if (this.element.parentNode.className=='hui_overflow') { hui.cls.remove(this.element,'hui_list_busy_large'); } } }, _setEmpty : function(empty) { var lmnt = hui.get.firstByClass(this.element,'hui_list_empty'); if (lmnt) { lmnt.style.display = empty ? 'block' : ''; } }, _wrap : function(str) { var out = ''; var count = 0; for (var i=0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i]===' ' || str[i]==='-') { count=0; } else { count++; } out+=str[i]; if (count>10) { out+='\u200B'; count=0; } } return out; }, _getData : function(node) { var data = node.getAttribute('data'); if (data) { return hui.string.fromJSON(data); } return null; }, _buttonClick : function(button) { var row = hui.closest('tr', button.getElement()); var obj = this.rows[parseInt(row.getAttribute('data-index'),10)]; this.fire('clickButton',{row:obj,button:button}); }, _parseWindow : function(doc) { var wins = doc.getElementsByTagName('window'); if (wins.length>0) { var win = wins[0]; this.window.total = parseInt(win.getAttribute('total')); this.window.size = parseInt(win.getAttribute('size')); this.window.page = parseInt(win.getAttribute('page')); } else { this.window.total = 0; this.window.size = 0; this.window.page = 0; } }, _buildNavigation : function() { var self = this; var pages = this.window.size>0 ? Math.ceil(this.window.total/this.window.size) : 0; if (pages<2) { this.navigation.style.display='none'; return; } this.navigation.style.display='block'; var from = ((this.window.page)*this.window.size+1); hui.dom.setText(this.count,(from+'-'+Math.min((this.window.page+1)*this.window.size,this.window.total)+' / '+this.window.total)); var pageBody = this.windowPageBody; pageBody.innerHTML=''; if (pages<2) { this.windowPage.style.display='none'; } else { var indices = this._buildPages(pages,this.window.page); for (var i=0; i < indices.length; i++) { var index = indices[i]; if (index==='') { pageBody.appendChild(hui.build('span',{text:'·'})); } else { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(index+1)); a.setAttribute('data-index',index); hui.on(a, 'mousedown', this._onPageClick, this); if (index == self.window.page) { a.className='hui_list_selected'; } pageBody.appendChild(a); } } this.windowPage.style.display='block'; } }, _buildPages : function(count,selected) { var pages = []; var x = false; for (var i=0;i<count;i++) { if (i<1 || i>count-2 || Math.abs(selected-i)<5) { pages.push(i); x=false; } else { if (!x) { pages.push(''); } x = true; } } return pages; }, /** @private */ setData : function(data) { this.selected = []; this.checked = []; var win = data.window || {}; this.window.total = win.total || 0; this.window.size = win.size || 0; this.window.page = win.page || 0; this._buildNavigation(); this._buildHeaders(data.headers); this._buildRows(data.rows); this._setEmpty(!data.rows || data.rows.length === 0); }, /** @private */ _buildHeaders : function(headers) { hui.dom.clear(this.head); this.columns = []; var tr = hui.build('tr',{parent:this.head}); hui.each(headers,function(h,i) { var th = hui.build('th'); if (h.width) { th.style.width = h.width+'%'; } if (h.sortable) { hui.listen(th,'click',function() {this.sort(i);}.bind(this)); hui.cls.add(th,'sortable'); } th.appendChild(hui.build('span',{text:h.title})); tr.appendChild(th); this.columns.push(h); }.bind(this)); }, /** @private */ _buildRows : function(rows) { var self = this; hui.dom.clear(this.body); this.rows = []; if (!rows) return; hui.each(rows,function(r,i) { var tr = hui.build('tr.hui_list_row'); var icon = r.icon; var title = r.title; hui.each(r.cells,function(c) { var td = hui.build('td'); if (c.icon) { td.appendChild(hui.ui.createIcon(c.icon,16)); icon = icon || c.icon; } if (c.text) { td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c.text)); title = title || c.text; } tr.appendChild(td); }); self.body.appendChild(tr); // TODO: Memory leak! var info = {id:r.id,kind:r.kind,icon:icon,title:title,index:i}; tr.dragDropInfo = info; self.rows.push({id:r.id,kind:r.kind,icon:icon,title:title,index:i,data:r.data}); this._addRowBehavior(tr,i); }.bind(this)); }, /** @private */ setObjects : function(objects) { objects = objects || []; this.selected = []; this.checked = []; hui.dom.clear(this.body); this.rows = []; for (var i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { var row = hui.build('tr.hui_list_row'); var obj = objects[i]; var title = null; for (var j=0; j < this.columns.length; j++) { var cell = hui.build('td'); if (this.builder) { cell.appendChild(this.builder.buildColumn(this.columns[j],obj)); } else { var value = obj[this.columns[j].key] || ''; if (hui.isArray(value)) { for (var k=0; k < value.length; k++) { if (value[k].constructor == Object) { cell.appendChild(this._createObject(value[k])); } else { cell.appendChild(hui.build('div',{text:value})); } } } else if (value.constructor == Object) { cell.appendChild(this._createObject(value[j])); } else { hui.dom.addText(cell,value); title = title === null ? 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