hui = window.hui || {}; hui.ui = hui.ui || {}; /** * A push button * <pre><strong>options:</strong> { * element : «Element | ID», * name : «String», * data : «Object», * confirm : {text : «String», okText : «String», cancelText : «String»}, * submit : «Boolean» * } * * <strong>Events:</strong> * $click(button) - When the button is clicked (and confirmed) * </pre> * @param options {Object} The options * @constructor */ hui.ui.Button = function(options) { this.options = options; =; this.element = hui.get(options.element); this.enabled = !hui.cls.has(this.element,'hui_button_disabled'); hui.ui.extend(this); this._attach(); // TODO: Deprecated! if (options.listener) { this.listen(options.listener); } if (options.listen) { this.listen(options.listen); } }; /** * Creates a new button * <pre><strong>options:</strong> { * text : «String», * title : «String», // deprecated * highlighted : «true | <strong>false</strong>», * enabled : «<strong>true</strong> | false», * icon : «String», * * name : «String», * data : «Object», * confirm : {text : «String», okText : «String», cancelText : «String»}, * submit : «Boolean», * * listener : «Object» * } * </pre> */ hui.ui.Button.create = function(options) { options = hui.override({text:'',highlighted:false,enabled:true},options); var className = 'hui_button'+(options.highlighted ? ' hui_is_highlighted' : ''); if (options.variant) { className+=' hui_button_'+options.variant; } if (options.small && options.variant) { className+=' hui_button_small_'+options.variant; } if (options.small) { className+=' hui_button_small'; } if (!options.enabled) { className+=' hui_is_disabled'; } var text = options.text ? hui.ui.getTranslated(options.text) : null; if (options.title) { // Deprecated text = hui.ui.getTranslated(options.title); } var element = options.element ='a',{'class':className, href:'#'}); if (options.testName) { element.setAttribute('data-test', options.testName); } if (options.icon) { var icon ='span',{parent:element,'class':'hui_button_icon',style:'background-image:url('+hui.ui.getIconUrl(options.icon,16)+')'}); if (!text) { hui.cls.add(icon,'hui_button_icon_notext'); } } if (text) { hui.dom.addText(element,text); } return new hui.ui.Button(options); }; hui.ui.Button.prototype = { _attach : function() { var self = this; hui.listen(this.element,'mousedown',function(e) { hui.stop(e); }); hui.listen(this.element,'click',function(e) { hui.stop(e); self._onClick(e); }); }, _onClick : function(e) { if (this.enabled) { var alt = false; if (e) { alt = hui.event(e).altKey; } if (this.options.confirm && !alt) { hui.ui.confirmOverlay({ widget : this, text : this.options.confirm.text, okText : this.options.confirm.okText, cancelText : this.options.confirm.cancelText, onOk : this._fireClick.bind(this) }); } else { this._fireClick(); } } else { this.element.blur(); } }, _fireClick : function() {'click',this); if (this.options.submit) { var form = hui.ui.getAncestor(this,'hui_form'); if (form) { form.submit(); } else { hui.log('No form found to submit'); } } }, /** Registers a function as a click listener or issues a click * @param func? {Function} The function to run when clicked, leave out to issue a click */ click : function(func) { if (func) { this.listen({$click:func}); return this; } else { this._onClick(); } }, /** Focus the button */ focus : function() { this.element.focus(); }, /** Registers a function as a click handler * @param func {Function} The fundtion to invoke when clicked click */ onClick : function(func) { this.listen({$click:func}); }, /** Enables or disables the button * @param enabled {Boolean} If the button should be enabled */ setEnabled : function(enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; this._updateUI(); }, /** Enables the button */ enable : function() { this.setEnabled(true); }, /** Disables the button */ disable : function() { this.setEnabled(false); }, /** Sets whether the button is highlighted * @param highlighted {Boolean} If the button should be highlighted */ setHighlighted : function(highlighted) { hui.cls.set(this.element,'hui_is_highlighted',highlighted); }, _updateUI : function() { hui.cls.set(this.element,'hui_is_disabled',!this.enabled); }, /** Sets the button text * @param */ setText : function(text) { hui.dom.setText(this.element, hui.ui.getTranslated(text)); }, /** * Get the data object for the button * @returns {Object} The data object */ getData : function() { return; }, /** * Get the role of the button * @returns {String} The role */ getRole : function() { return this.options.role; } }; ////////////////////////////////// Buttons ///////////////////////////// /** @constructor */ hui.ui.Buttons = function(options) { =; this.element = hui.get(options.element); this.body = hui.get.firstByClass(this.element,'hui_buttons_body'); hui.ui.extend(this); }; hui.ui.Buttons.create = function(options) { options = hui.override({top:0},options); var e = options.element ='div',{'class':'hui_buttons'}); if (options.align==='right') { hui.cls.add(e,'hui_buttons_right'); } if (options.align==='center') { hui.cls.add(e,'hui_buttons_center'); } if ( > 0) {'px'; }'div',{'class':'hui_buttons_body',parent:e}); return new hui.ui.Buttons(options); }; hui.ui.Buttons.prototype = { add : function(widget) { this.body.appendChild(widget.element); return this; } }; hui.on(['hui.ui'],function() { hui.define('hui.ui.Button',hui.ui.Button); });