"Knowledge" is the name of an app for Apples iOS operating system running on iPhones and iPads.
The goal of the app is to help people gather and organize their knowledge.
Currently the main features are...
Create "Questions" you want answered
Save articles found on the internet
Highlight statements in articles
Connect statements as answers to questions
Behind the app is a cloud service called OnlineObjects. So the "Knowledge" app is a client for a part of that service. Like Google has both a G-mail and a Photos app for the Google platform.
The plan is that the OnlineObjects service will expand over time with more "apps" and services.
We hope that the service will have value. By being part of the beta you get advance access and can help guide our development.
We may have to ask for payment at some point - but by being part of the beta you get free access for an undefined period.
How can I participate?
You can become a beta tester by writing to us at jonasmunk@mac.com. If accepted you will get access via Apples TestFlight app - a separate app used to download beta versions of our app.
The Knowledge app and the OnlineObjects cloud service is developed by the danish company Humanise.
About Humanise
We focus on user experience and design. We seek out the most simple and essential solution. We believe that machines should work for people. We think that knowledge should be free and accessible to all. We hope you agree :-)